So many times, I’ve stood thirsty at the shore overlooking the water. I know where I need to go for water. I can see it. I know the path to get there. He’s calling me to come. I need the water to live. It seems so simple. But, I just can’t seem to get my feet to move that direction.
In those most paralyzing moments for me, He knows. He sees. And He knows I’m not gonna make it to the river. But that doesn’t stop Him from providing me with water. His love for me is far too great. In fact, those are the moments that the river will split and begin to flow to me.
I’m so desperate in those moments, that even a little bit of water would be more than I could ask for. Just a drop of His goodness would set me free. But instead, out of his mercy, it comes pouring. Pouring in volumes of oceans. Not because I deserve it. Not because I have moved my feet. Because of love.
If it were all up to me, I would be dehydrated by now! But, how thankful I am for the nature of my God. That He can’t stop Himself from reaching me. He goes out of his way in the most beautiful ways. It’s Him that finds a way. It may look like coincidence, messages, words, pictures. All of it is fresh water. Him reaching me.
Now, I know He told us that once we taste living water we will never thirst again. But why do I find that when I taste it, I’m just more thirsty for living water! Do you know what I mean? I only want more and more. And since He is so willing to give, I find myself getting brave enough to ask:
True, clear, clean, renewing waters? If He’s gonna pour it like oceans, then I want Him to take me deep. Why? Because that’s how thirsty I am for His love. It gives life like nothing else.
Recently, I had the opportunity to write for the first time with Matt Hammitt. You may know some of his songs, as he was with the band Sanctus Real. Matt and I just began to worship. It was a day I had been standing at the shore and looking at the water. As we began to sing, the presence of the Holy Spirit filled the room, filled our hearts. We heard the phrase “New Rivers” and suddenly what started as a song became holy. We were breathless at the thought of this very idea. That He would do whatever it took to get to us when we couldn’t get to Him.
It’s Jesus coming to earth. It’s Jesus dying for us. But it’s the whispers in our every day. Reminders that nothing will change the fact that He is EMMANUEL. God with us. No matter what it takes.
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Krissy Nordhoff
Songwriter with Integrity Music.
Co-founder of Brave Worship!
She has a pastoral heart and longs to see people raised up into their callings and giftings.